Socialism promeses prosperity but it delivers poverty
Socialism promeses unity but it hatred and delivers division
Socialism promeses better future but it always return throgh the darkest chapters of the past
That never fails it always happens
Socialism is a sad and discredited ideology rooted in the total ignorance of history and human nature which is why socialism is why socialim eventually must always give rise to tyranny you know that socialism it's not about justice it's not about equally it'not about lifting up the poor socialism is about one thing only power for the ruling class and the more power they get the more they crave They want run healthcare run transportation and finance run energy education run everything they want the power to decide who wins and who loses who's up who's down what's true and what's false and even who lives and who die
Socialism advances under the banner of progress but it the end it delivers only corruption exeploitaton and decay And to those who would try to impose socialism on the united states We again deliver a simple message anerica never be a socialist country
Donald j trump